U petak, 24. rujna 2021. godine na Ekonomskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu održan je seminar/webinar Hrvatskog društva za pravo i politiku tržišnog natjecanja na kojem je prof. dr. sc. Tihamér Tóth s Katoličkog sveučilišta Pazmany Peter, Budimpešta, govorio na temu “Rivarly and Cooperation in the Wine Sector”. Moderirala je prof. dr. sc. Jasminka Pecotić Kaufman, predsjednica HDPPTN-a.

Više o predavaču:
Prof. Tihamér Tóth teaches competition and consumer laws at Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Budapest, where he serves as an assistant dean for international relations. Tihamer was awarded a Jean Monnet chair of competition law title in 2019. His research focuses on sanctions, state related competition matters and moral aspects of competition. Tihamér’s knowledge of EU and competition law stems from his previous positions at ministries dealing with EU integration and the Hungarian Competition Authority where he was the chairman of the Competition Council between 2003-2009. As a practicing lawyer, he co-heads the Competition and Antitrust practice group in Dentons’ Budapest office.
Sažetak izlaganja:
The talk on rivalry and co-operation in the wine sector summarizes the initial findings of an on-going research based upon interviews with various grape and wine producers. The scope of competition rules in the agricultural sector will also be presented. the example of the grape and wine sector provides a great opportunity to discuss general policy issues to whwt extent individual rivalry and/or co-operations among competitors may drive competition and ultimately the market economy towards optimal outcomes.
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