We are proud to announce that the Croatian Association of Competition Law and Policy (HDPPTN), together with the University of Zagreb – Faculty of Economics, is organizing the 9th international conference in memory of the late Professor Vedran Šoljan (1962-2008), one of the pioneers of Croatian competition law.
The conference, titled “Competition Law: At the Crossroads,” will be held from May 22nd to 24th, 2025 in Split and is intended for all stakeholders and entities involved in the application of competition law – national competition authorities, judges, practitioners, corporate lawyers, and of course, entrepreneurs and academics.
At the 9th Soljan Conference, we will explore some of the most critical issues in today’s competition law and policy, including the role of innovation, the new Article 102 TFEU Guidelines, the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation, and the New Competition Tool. Our distinguished keynote speakers will discuss the importance of assessing the innovation capabilities of merging firms (Prof Nicolas Petit, EUI) and the impact of AI on competition and the cost of living (Prof Michal Gal, University of Haifa). The conference will feature panels comprising outstanding experts from the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Commission, the OECD, national competition authorities, practitioners, and academics. The first panel will share enforcement experiences in the context of the European Competition Network and Regulation 1/2003. The second panel will focus on public procurement and bid rigging, while the third panel will address topical issues at the intersection of competition law and sports. The conference’s final day will allow the participants to delve deeper into practical discussions at our workshops led by Croatian experts.
Learn more about the conference and registration on the conference website.